Consulting Posts

Posts are non urgent communications that concern a whole group of Communication center users. A notification icon lets you know how many posts you have yet to read.

To access posts that are available to your user group, follow the steps below:

1. In the top right corner, click Posts.


2. When the Posts pane opens, select a category:

Category Description

Shows the posts currently available to your user group. When the Posts pane opens, this category is automatically selected.

Unread posts have a blue background.


After you consult a post, to remove it from the Active tab’s list, click Archive.


Shows the posts you created with a publishing date that has not been reached yet.


When a post becomes irrelevant before its publication time and you want to keep it from being posted, click Delete.


Shows the posts you archived during the last 30 days. Posts archived for more than 30 days are no longer available.
