To modify a temporary replacement to a specific shift, follow the steps below.
- You must be logged as a user with rights to access and modify the dashboard.
- The temporary replacement or replacement gap has been created.
1. Access the dashboard and select the relevant shift.
2. In the right pane that opens, if there are more than one temporary replacements that were created for the shift, select the one that needs to be modified or deleted.
3. Select the temporary replacement to display the details you wish to modify or delete.
To modify the temporary replacement
1. Click on the Edit icon. In the Edit a temporary replacement pane, modify the fields that can be edited:
- Start time and End time
- Details field
- Selected member
2. Click on Save.
(i) If you delete the replacement member without selecting a new one, a temporary gap is added. |
3. The dashbord is updated with the modified information.
To delete the temporary replacement
1. From the temporary replacement details panel, click on the Delete icon.
2. Select Yes on the confirmation message.
3. The temporary replacement details panel is updated.