The Plan tab is where tasks are manually assigned to the group's resources.
Work Plan
A new period will look approximately like this:
Assignment planning is done in the work plan, in the center column. The work plan is week-based, from Monday to Sunday.
A blue line to the left of a task name indicates that this task is an on call task.
The numbers in the cells indicate the required amount of resources that should be assigned to the task; the minimum and the maximum number of resources.
The assignment cells have white backgrounds except in cases of over-assignment (more resources than required) that will make them red.
White background, dashed border Minimum requirement is not met |
White background, no dashes Minimum requirement is met and the maximum requirement is not exceeded |
Red background The number of resources assigned exceeds the maximum requirement |
Gray requirement tile, with number Number of missing resources to meet the minimum requirement |
In the Plan tab, there are different ways to assign tasks:
It's also possible to edit assigned tasks:
As a planner, you can ignore planning "problems". Once you have verified and considered any possible availability issues or constraints and taken appropriate action, you have the final word; the application will not prevent or block you from making an assignment. Warnings are simply there to assist you in the decision-making process.
To assign a physician to a task, the physician's name can be dragged and dropped onto a cell. To proceed, simply click and hold the physician's name from Equity table (right column) and move it to the cell where you want to add them and drop. The physician's initials will appear in the cell.
First, you must select a date and a task by clicking on the corresponding cell. The selected cell, in which the assignment is to be made, will turn blue.
To assign a physician, click on the arrow (which will go from gray to green) to the left of the desired physician’s name in the Assignment table found in the right column.
To have the most accurate and up-to-date availability information and also to avoid losing unsaved planning, Apply changes regularly.
Multiple cells can be selected by holding down the Shift key while clicking on several cells. You can also select a whole week by clicking on a task name.
You can then click on the (+) button next to the physician’s name to add them. All selected cells (blue) will be assigned to the physician you have selected.
As some tasks are usually assigned to the same physician for a few consecutive days; cells might be merged together as a block. You will notice, in these cases, that the block’s border is dashed around all the included days rather than around individual days. Clicking on any cell in the block will select the whole block. A physician can then be assigned to the whole block.
When needed, a block can easily be split up into individual days.
Tasks can be assigned to physicians when the work plan is filtered By Physicians.
Alerts indicate when the minimum requirement is reached. Adding the assignment to another resource will replace the first resource.
Drag and drop
Select and add
To remove an assignment, whether the changes had been applied or not:
- Click on the cell in which you want the assignment removed, and;
- Click on the red minus sign (-) next to the physician's name, in the assignment table.
If the changes have not yet been applied to the schedule, removing assignments is as simple as clicking Cancel at the top of the screen to revert to the last saved changes. Any and all assignments made since the last changes were applied will not be saved.
Split a multi-day block:
Split a task between two physicians:
In the plan, the assigned colour tiles give you accurate information:
Resource is assigned without any issues
Resource has an absence in their calendar for this task or is temporarily unavailable
Resource is already assigned to a task in another group
Resource is already assigned to another task of the group that has been defined as blocking
Assignment breaks a strong constraint defined in the group configuration
Assignment breaks a preference constraint defined in the group configuration
The planner can always override preset conditions, even if red or orange. The planner has all rights at all times. Assignments will be displayed in red if you do not respect constraints, equities, or locks. These assignments will however be as valid as any other one. Color codes are displayed to support decision-making and do not alter the validity of the assignment.
Assignment table
The Assignment table will appear to the right of the screen when you select a cell. Notice the information at the top of the table such as the name of the task, date and time slot.
In some cases, a label describing the warning will appear when you hover the cursor over a coloured cell. For example, a physician might already be assigned to a task or be absent. As in this case, the physician is on vacation.
In the Assignment table, each type of non-availability has its own colour:
Absence entered by physician or a temporary unavailability
Task in another group
Strong availability constraint defined in the group configuration
Preference availability constraint defined in the group configuration
Phys. (Physicians)
This is the list of available resources. Whether a resource is eligible or ineligible to be assigned to a task was determined when the resource was added to the group. This information can be edited and is based on the information provided to PetalMD rather than the physician's actual abilities.
You can have access to all the Ineligible Physicians by toggling the list; simply click on the arrow. Ineligible physicians can be added to a task.
Avail. (Availability)
In this column, you will see the physicians' availabilities. A blank cell indicates that the physician is available.
These are constraints that have been set in the group's parameters to define assignment rules.
If limits have been set in the Equity counter, the name of the counter will appear in red when a physician has reached the limit set for the task.