Configuring tasks over a period with the Planning tool

To make changes to the standard task configurations over a period using the Planning tool, follow the steps below.  


  • Be connected to the portal as a Planner
  • Have access to the group

Access in Petal

  • Home page> Left menu > Scheduling > Periods > Periods List
  • Open selected period > Tasks


1. From the Periods List, select the period for which to configure the tasks.

2. Click on See period to open the Planning tool.

3. Click on Tasks.

The Tasks tab enables you to make changes to the standard task configurations.

4. Select a value for the Information filter. Various information related to each task will be displayed in the cell.

Show requirements: Number of ressources required (min and max) for the task in the specific timeslot. 

Show units: Unit value for the task for the specific time slot regarding the equity counters.

Show moments: Schedule for the tasks.

5. To modify a task, click on a cell. From the menu, select Edit.

6. In the Edit a task window, modify the following information according to your needs :

  • Time of the day
  • Ressources requirements
  • Units for the task
  • Optional note

7. Click on Save to record the changes or  Cancel.


To modify multiple tasks simultaneously

1. Select multiple cells by preessing on shift + clicking on the cells.

2. Click on Modify in the right panel.

3. In the Edit tasks window, modify information according to your needs.

4. Modifications will be applied to all selected cells.


To move a task to another date

1. Click on a cell.

2. From the menu, select Move.

3. Select a new date for the task. The dates where the task can be moved are displayed in black.


To split a block of time slots

This allows the group planner to add assignments one time slot at a time in a situation where a resource is not available for the entire block of time slots.

1. Click on it and select Split.


2. The following icons in the individual day cells indicate that the block will be split once the changes are saved. 

To modify multiple blocks simultaneously

1. Sélectionnez plusieurs blocs en les cliquant tout en maintenant enfoncée la touche majuscule.

2. Le bouton Diviser apparaîtra dans la colonne de droite et les modifications spécifiées seront appliquées aux blocs sélectionnés.


To delete a task on a specific date 

1. Click on the corresponding cell. From the menu, click on Delete.

2. The red minus (-) sign appears in the cell to delete.

3. Click on Apply changes to complete deletion.


To add a task on a specific date

1. Click on the grey plus (+) sign in the cell. Thw sign will tremain green and the cell border is balck to indicate the task has been added. 

2. Click on Apply changes to complete the addition.