How to access the list of schedule group planners in your hospital dashboard?
This list is only available with special permission that can be added through the member management of your dashboard group.
Here's the permission:
To access the list of planners, you must follow these steps:
1. Go to the Hospital menu
2. Click on section: Planners
3. The list of planners is displayed for each group related to your hospital dashbaord. The group are sorted in alphabetical order and for each of them , all the members with the planning rights are identified.
4. Ability to write to the planners of a specific group:
A. By clicking on Write in the section of the specific group:
B. The right pane opens when to send a message
- Ability to attach a file to this message
C. By clicking on the number of recipients, we can see the details of the names. It is not possible to add new recipients for this message, but it is possible to remove someone by clicking the X to the corresponding recipients.
5. Ability to write to all planners using the Write button at the top of the page.
A. The right pane opens to send a message
- Ability to attach a file to this message
B. By clicking on the number of recipients, we can see the details of the names. It is not possible to add new recipients for this message, but it is possible to remove someone by clicking the X to the corresponding recipients.
Important: The number of recipients can be different from the number of planners because messages can only be sent to activated or confirmed members on the PetalMD platform.
6. The Export button retrieves the list of planners with the contact information in an excel file.