Regular users & Admins - Managing absences
For the member and other members according to permissions
How to add an absence
How to enter an absence on the mobile app (video) It is possible to submit an absence to your group plann...
How to remove an absence
It is possible to remove an absence, even when it has been approved. There are 2 ways to achieve this: 1)...
How to add multiple absences
You can add several absences at a time, whether they are consecutive or not. You have two options : A. ...
Add and Remove Multiple Absences
Members with the necessary permissions can now add and delete absences for other members in multiple mode. ...
How to remove / add absences group members by an administrative member
1- Where to find the function A- Schedule management section B- Select Group Calendar 2-Select the right...
How to track my absence limits
1. Go to the Calendar menu 2. Click on My absences 3. Click on the Limits tab 4. Limits are created by y...
How to run a report of my absences
It is possible to run a report that includes a chart of your cumulative absences for a specific period of t...
How to view the history/tracking of my absences
To visualize your absence history: 1. Click on the Calendar section 2. Click on My absences 3. Click o...