Log in to the application
Multi-factor authentification (MFA)
Log in to the Petal platform by using a recovery code
When you cannot access your telephone or your email to sign in to the Petal platform, use a recovery code. ...
Log in to the Petal platform by using an authentication app
Use an authentication app such as Microsoft Authenticator or Google Authenticator to sign in to the Petal p...
Log in to the Petal platform by using email authentication
Use email as an authentication method for signing in to the Petal platform. The Petal platform sends you a ...
Modify the authentication method
Modify the authentication method that you use to sign in to the Petal platform. Authenticate your account b...
Register for multi-factor authentication (authentication app)
To sign in to the Petal platform by using an authentication app, you must first register for multi-factor a...