General information about messaging

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  • Write a message to another user

    To write to someone you've already had a conversation with before, just pick a name from your conversation ...

  • Initiate a group conversation

    To write in an existing group conversation, simply select it in the conversation list and continue with it....

  • See the list and add participant

    You can access the list of participants in a conversation by looking at the details of the conversation, ac...

  • Remove participant

    To remove a participant from the conversation, you must be one of the administrators of the conversation. T...

  • Archive a conversation

    To archive a conversation, use the conversation details menu, and choose the 'Archive" option. Note that it...

  • Leave a conversation

    To leave a conversation, use the conversation details menu, and choose the "Leave conversation" optio...

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  • Write a communication

    To write a communication, you must have permission to do so. Otherwise, you will simply be able to answer a...

  • Answer to a communication

    [MOBILE] To answer a hospital communication, use the "Reply" button at the bottom of the page. Important no...

  • Transfer a communication

    To transfer a hospital communication, use the "Add a participant" feature. Only the person who has permissi...

  • Print a communication

    It is possible to print a hospital communication. Check out the following video before learning the procedu...

  • Send an urgent communication

    To send an urgent communication, just press the urgent message option, as shown in the following images: [M...

  • Manage folders

    It is possible to create folders, subfolders, and classify hospital communications in these...

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Manage notifications

User status

  • Modify your status

    It is possible to change its status, to indicate to other users our availability. The possible statuses are...

  • Use the "Busy" status

    Petal Message "Busy" status is customizable. You can specify your status, such as "In consultation until no...