Petal for Physicians app
General information about messaging
Instant and secure messaging
PetalMD new secure and instant messaging does not pretend to reinvent the wheel. A conversation in chat mod...
Better categorization of messages
In PetalMD's new secure messaging service (Petal Message), chat is introduced. In order to better serve you...
Why do I already have chat conversations?
With the arrival of Petal Message and chat, we wanted to make your life easier, and already provide chat-li...
A better notifications control
The division of messages into chat and communications has enabled our team to offer you another much-needed...
The peace of mind with muted notifications
Because some conversations may be less important than others, or because some conversations contain more pa...
Communications folder classification
The classification of the messages into different folders finally makes its arrival in the Petal secure mes...
Write a message to another user
To write to someone you've already had a conversation with before, just pick a name from your conversation ...
Initiate a group conversation
To write in an existing group conversation, simply select it in the conversation list and continue with it....
See the list and add participant
You can access the list of participants in a conversation by looking at the details of the conversation, ac...
Remove participant
To remove a participant from the conversation, you must be one of the administrators of the conversation. T...
Archive a conversation
To archive a conversation, use the conversation details menu, and choose the 'Archive" option. Note that it...
Leave a conversation
To leave a conversation, use the conversation details menu, and choose the "Leave conversation" optio...
Write a communication
To write a communication, you must have permission to do so. Otherwise, you will simply be able to answer a...
Answer to a communication
[MOBILE] To answer a hospital communication, use the "Reply" button at the bottom of the page. Important no...
Transfer a communication
To transfer a hospital communication, use the "Add a participant" feature. Only the person who has permissi...
Print a communication
It is possible to print a hospital communication. Check out the following video before learning the procedu...
Send an urgent communication
To send an urgent communication, just press the urgent message option, as shown in the following images: [M...
Manage folders
It is possible to create folders, subfolders, and classify hospital communications in these...
Manage notifications
Manage notifications on iOS
The separation of messages in chats and hospital communications allows to offer a great flexibility on the ...
Manage notifications on Android
The separation of messages in chats and hospital communications allows to offer a great flexibility on the ...
Manage desktop notifications
To use desktop notifications, you must first inform your browser that you accept notifications as follows: ...
User status
Modify your status
It is possible to change its status, to indicate to other users our availability. The possible statuses are...
Use the "Busy" status
Petal Message "Busy" status is customizable. You can specify your status, such as "In consultation until no...