Members management for dashboard groups

1. Access the Hospital section:

2. Any member with the Manage memberships permission will have access to the Dashboard Members section:


3. To Add a member, click on the following button:


4. Complete the form with the accurate member information before clicking on the Save button:


A. Email: every PetalMD user requires a unique email address. If you type an existing email address, you will be proposed to add the matching member to the group instead of creating a new account.


B. First name and Last names are mandatory.


C. Account type: each member needs a clear definition of their role.


D. Specialty: each healthcare professional needs to have a specialty defined.


E. Permissions available for dashboard members:


Dashboard Messaging: adds a permission to send messages directly from the hospital dashboard. Users can reach all on-call members, or all members currently assigned to a shift. It is also possible to reach all healthcare professionals that have specific skills to cover a particular shift.


F. Access available for Dashboard members:



Analytics: gives users access to the analytics section with many performance indicators while showing the global dashboard and product usage. Each section has specific and detailed graphics to help diagnose coverage issues within a hospital.

Member management: allows users to add or remove colleagues and configure their permissions.

Access phone registry: users can consult the complete list of all the hospital members and view their contact information.

Manage phone registry: users can consult the complete list of all the hospital members and manage and update their contact information. 


 When completed, click Save to keep the changes.


5. Modify a member

A. Member list


B. Click on the pen button to modify a member's information or permissions 


C. The editable fields depend on the user status. When a member is confirmed, many personal informations will no longer be editable while the permissions can be updated.


D. Make sure to click on Save to persist any modification.


6. Delete a member

A. Access the member list


B. Click on the trash icon to delete a member


C. Confirm your action from the dialog box
