The Phone registry allows administrative members to manage contact information in order to reach all hospital’s employees; physicians, nurses, physiotherapists, dentists, maintenance team, administration, phone operators, etc.
To view contact information in the Phone registry, follow the steps below. To edit members' contact details in the Phone registry, click here.
- Before a member can access and administer the registry, they must have the required permissions and be an administrative member of the console group.
Access and view the Phone registry
1. From the left menu bar, click on Hospital dashboards.
2. Select the Phone registry from the menu.
3. The list that appears shows you the content of the Registry which can be Accounts, Registry People (as a mean to contact staff with no Petal account, i.e., maintenance team), Departments, Procedures and Contact Groups.
(i) Contact information about Persons, Department and Groups can be added directly in the Registry by a member with the required permission. |
Different options are offered to view the list :
- Use the search field.
- Click on the ALL.
- Click on one of the letters tab ordering the contatcs by alpahbetical order.
- Phone numbers entered from the account owner's profile:
- cannot be changed by hospital administration and are flagged with a padlock icon;
- are always presented first followed by the numbers added by the administrative staff of the registry;
- are automatically updated in the registry and in the hospital console if the account owner reorder numbers from their profiles.
- A Public Number is visible to all users of the hospital console in Web and mobile version as well as to users of the public console.
- A Private number is confidential and only visible to members authorized to access the Phone registry; the call center and the administrators of the console group.
(i) An account owner adding a confidential number from their profile, can select the Phone registry option. This number will be Private and visible to the administrative staff of the Phone registry only. |
3. Click on a row to select a contact.
4. For each member in the registry, you can view the following information, if it is available:
- Name, Account type (position), Affiliation and Principal health institution
- Contact Notes
- Contact current status (Scheduled, Nothing scheduled, Absent, Vacations,...)
(i) The Current status information is only displayed for contacts of Person type. |
- Numbers managed by the account's owner and available on the hospital dashboard (Private or Public) displayed on top of the list
- Numbers managed by the hospital dashboard administrator (Private or Public) displayed after
- Favorite number in the list to reach the contact is flagged with a star
- Note associated to any number providing additional information
For more information about Contact Groups, click here.