Add or remove a member

Add a new member to your group

1. From the Scheduling section, access the Members section



2. Click on Add a member at the top right of your screen

3. Enter the member's general information

A. If the member already exists on PetalMD, this account will be proposed to you.

B. If you choose the account type Assistant or Administrator, the specialty and license number are not required.

C. You must confirm that the member is added to your group is related to your healthcare practice.

D. Click on Next to continue the configuration.


4. Access


A. It is important to identify if the member that you are creating will be a planned member.

B. The Start date of planning identifies from which date onwards the member will be eligible to shift assignment. This tab is optional and if no date is entered, the member will be eligible to shift assignment the moment they are created on PetalMD. 

C. The End date of planning and lost of group access is an optional tab and will determine which day onwards the member will not be eligible anymore to shift assignment. If no date is entered, the member will receive assignments for all future periods.

D. Initials are required in the case of a planned member. The chosen initials will be displayed in the planning tool. A validation will be made to make sure all members initials are unique in the group.

E. Click on Next.



5. Roles and Permissions


Three choices are available

A1. Regular member for a planned member: will allow access to personal information and the group's scheduling information. The member will be able to perform activities allowed by the group's planner on their own tasks. They will be able to add absences and create personal events.

A2. Regular member for a non-planned member (equivalent to a read-only member): will only allow access to the group's calendar, without permissions to perform changes, and access to other tools, out of the schedule, such as the messaging, documents and contacts.

B. Administrative member: this can be for a planned member or not but, most of the time, this role is attributed to non-planned members for post-publication scheduling management. It allows the member to perform adjustments to the other members' calendars through the group calendar, input absences for others or move shifts with regards to the group's configuration. Members with these permissions will also be notified of all shift trades. 

C. Group planner: This permission can be given to more than one member; however, it is not suggested to access the planning tool more than one member at a time. Panned or non-planned members can play this role. It allows access to the planning tool and to manage schedules after their publication. Another difference between this role and the administrative member is that the latest won't be able to approve or process shift changes. 

Once the right role is selected, click on Next


6. Teams (optional)


A. The attribution of teams can determine which shifts will be assigned to the member. 

B. Beyond that, teams can also be subgroups that can be displayed in the planner tool.

C. If the attribution of one or more teams is associated with competencies for specific tasks, they will be reflected in the next tab, Skills.

D. If your group doesn't include teams, you can directly go to the next section by clicking on Next.


7. Skills


A. Choose which shifts can be assigned to this member


8. Click on Save to add the member to your group


A. Once the member is saved, it will become part of the group

B. After registration, an activation email will be sent to this new member.

C. If it is a planned member, it will be added to your current and future period unless their Start date of planning is in the future. In that case, the member will be available to shift assignment for periods including that date. 

For a scheduled member of an advanced group, a form will open for you to send a ticket to the PetalMD support team for the adjustment potentially required on the script or constraints that will be required for this new member to manage the shifts distribution correctly for this member within the group. It is important that you communicate with support through the offered interface if you want to make sure that adding this member will not have an undesirable impact on your schedule generation.


Remove members from your group

You have two options to remove members

1. In the members' list, click on the Remove icon 


A. If the member is not assigned to a shift on the date of the removal or in the future, they will be removed from the group. If it is a planned member, they will not appear in the future periods as a member available for assignment. 

B. If it is a planned member and they are assigned in the future, you will be informed of the number of assignments they have and the date of the last one. 


2 choices apply

1. Delete all future assignments and go back to the members' list to remove them.

2. In editing mode, click on the pencil and input an ending date following their last assignment. This will remove the member only at this date and provide you from assigning him to shifts after this date.

Deleting a scheduled member in an advanced group will have the effect of removing the entire configuration that was unique to this member. For configurations that included other members, only this one will be removed from the configuration and the other members will not be influenced. 


When removing a member, you won't be notified of unpublished assignments, they will automatically be deleted with the member's removal.