Download an Excel report of Hospital On-Call (HOC) hours

Planners can download an Excel report detailing the HOC hours performed by members. 

The Excel report contains detailed information about shifts that were completed within a specific period. For example, the Excel report displays the start and end times of the shifts, the names of the members who completed the shifts, the account types, and the license numbers.

Only planners can download this Excel report.

  1. In the side menu, select Scheduling.
  2. At the bottom of the Scheduling menu, select Hour report.
  3. In Hour report, configure these settings:
    • Start date: Select the start date of the reporting period.
    • End date: Select the end date of the reporting period.
    • Groups: Select a group. If you are the planner for multiple groups, you can select more than one group at a time.
    • Shifts: Select the shifts of interest. In the case of an HOC report, select the on-call shifts.
  4. Select Download. An Excel spreadsheet opens.