Shifts on Marketplace

Petal now offers the ability for planners to offer shifts on Marketplace.

Marketplace is a centralized location where planners offer shifts and where resources see shifts, obtain details about shifts, and decide whether to accept shifts. Resources and other members can also offer their own shifts on Marketplace.

Once on Marketplace, shifts become available for eligible resources to claim, with or without approval, depending on the approval settings of the shift.

When planners offer shifts on Marketplace, eligible members receive notifications by email and in the application.

Marketplace provides several advantages:

  • Planners can offer shifts to a broader pool of resources.
  • Resources can assign themselves to an Open shift that has a setting of “Assignable by members”. If that shift remains unassigned, the planner can offer the shift on Marketplace, notifying the group that coverage is needed and encouraging bids.

These are ways in which planners and resources can use Marketplace shifts.

Role Task
New! Planner (Member)
Offer an assigned shift.
Offer a Shortage shift.
Offer a shift that is assigned to a placeholder resource (not a real person).
Offer a Shortage shift that has a setting of "Unassignable by member".
Once this shift is on Marketplace, eligible resources can assign themselves to the shift. 
Offer a Shortage shift that is in a rural hospital and highlight any monetary incentives associated with the shift. This approach aims to ensure coverage for less desirable shifts.
For example, the planner can list the stipend for the shift in the Comment section of the Marketplace offer.

New!  View and select shifts that are offered on Marketplace by the planner.

See relevant shift details (for example, a description of the monetary incentive).

Offer their shifts as a trade, a transfer or both, to all eligible group members.
New!  View notifications (by email and in the Petal app) of new Open shifts on Marketplace.

Approval process

When a shift requires approval, the planner must approve the shift assignment to finalize the process. Once the planner approves the shift assignment, the shift belongs to the resource who accepted it.

If multiple resources accept the same shift requiring approval, the planner can choose among them to decide who gets the shift. The planner has the final say and bases the decision on equity or on other factors.