Configuring Team Members' Ranking

To configure the team members' ranking, i.e. according to seniority rules, follow the steps below.

Ranking your team members will determine the order in which a shift is shared.



1. Select Team Member from the left menu bar.

2. Select the Location from the dropdown list.

3. Click on Edit Ranking at the bottom of the screen.

4. In the Import Ranking panel, select a Position for which you wish to rank from the dropdown list.

5. Under Download Spreadsheet, click on Download.

6. Open the seniority_ranking file (CSV file) that was downloaded, rank your team members in column A (Ranking) from 1 to 10 until until all team members have been assigned a ranking:

  • 1 is for the first team member  you are granting the ability to see an available shift
  • 2 is for the second team member
  • 3 for the third, etc.


It is recommended to use rankings by steps of 5, i.e.: 1, 5, 10, ..., to be able to insert new team members with more seniority joining the team, in between the members.  

7. Save the CSV file when all team members have been ranked.

8. Under Upload Spreadsheet, click on Select a File.

9. Select the edited document and click on Submit to upload your file. 

9. Your ranking is now reflected for all callouts that you create.

The Audit Trail of a specific shift shows the sequence of the callout.