Configuring skills for members

To configure skills for members of a group, follow the steps below.

  • Skills define the shifts on which a member can be assigned.
  • When modifying the skills, the member's eligibility on shifts is modified during the current period as well as future ones.
    • Removing a skill : The member won't be considered in trades and transfers for this shift. 
    • Adding a skill : The member will be considered in trades and transfers for this shift.



  • Connect to Portal with a planner profile
  • Have access to Group's calendar

Access in Petal

  • Home page > Left menu > Scheduling> Skills

Skills can also be configured under :

  • Home page > Left menu > Members and teams (Skills tab)



1. From your left menu bar, click on Scheduling, then select Skills.

2. Click on the Members and skills tab.

This matrix allows you to configure skills for the members of your group. 

3. Click on Filters to open the Filter data window.

  • Under Type(s) de tâche(s), selecxt the shifts to display.

  • Under Member(s), seelct the members to display.

4. Click on Apply.

The number of entries filtered is displayed in red next to Filters.

5. To modify the Members and skills, click on Edit.

6. Select the skills to assign to the selected member.

7. Click on Save to save all modifications.

The skills assigned to memebers are updated.

8. Under the Members and teams tab, the matrix allows you to add or remove the members of your group to/from  existing teams.


To create new teams, click here or to add and modify members, click here

9. To modify the Members and teams matrix, click on Edit.

10. Select the teams to which you wish to assign the member.

11. Click on Save to save modifications.

The members' assignments to the teams are updated.