To accept a shift on the marketplace in the situations described here, follow the steps below.
The offer on the market place is:
Connect to Portal with a member’s profile.
- Shifts must have been assigned to you previously in your personal calendar.
- Shifts must be configured to be transferable.
- Both members must be configured with the skills for the shifts to trade.
Access in Petal
- Home page > Left menu > Calendars > My Calendar
- Home page > Left menu > Calendars > Shift Trades > Marketplace
- From the left menu, click on Calendars and select My calendar.
- To display the marketplace shifts on your personal calendar, click on Display. Under Item Types, select Marketplace.
3. Every available shift on the marketplace will be identified by a pin icon displayed in your calendar. Click on a pin to view the offer details.
There are two options to access a shift offer on the marketplace:
4. From Shift trades, click on the Marketplace tab.
Transfer only
1. Open the Transfer only shift offer on the marketplace.
2. Click on View my calendar to verify your availabilities.
3. Click on Take.
Transfer only
Trade only
1. Open the Transfer only shift offer on the marketplace.
2. Click on Propose to look for shifts in your calendar that you could exchange.
3. Click on Continue.
4. Click on Send if you are ready to respond.
Trade only
Transfer or trade
1. Open the Transfer or trade shift offer on the marketplace.
3. Click on View my calendar to verify your availabilities.
4. Click on Take.
Transfer or trade
(i) Approval required