Open shifts

The newly introduced Open Shifts functionality allows to visualize, in the group calendar displayed by shifts, all remaining uncovered shifts on a published period. This feature highlights all open shifts, including shortage shifts for which the minimum required ressources has not been reached.

A schedule planner can view all uncovered shifts and assign directly one or multiple members on these shifts. Prior to using the Open Shifts functionality, tasks settings have to be configured accordingly.

Physicians (group members) can visualize open shifts or shortage shifts and have the ability to take on the shifts as long as the following conditions are met:

  • Display settings on the group calendar are enabled to show the open shifts.

  • The shift is configured to allow self-assignment by the member.

  • The member is configured with the proper skills for the shift.

The approval workflows on the shifts assignments remain unchanged.


Detailed Instructions

For more information on working with open shifts, click on the links below:


For a quick demo of the feature, watch the following videos: