Assigning members to shortage or open shifts

To assign members to shortage or open shifts, follow the steps below.


  • Connect to Portal with a planner’s profile

  • Customize your Group Calendar's display

Access in Petal

  • Home page > Left menu > Calendars > Groups


  1. Click on the shift labeled Shortage or Open.

  2. On top of the right panel Assignation, the following information is displayed.

  • Group

  • Shift Name

  • Hours

Shift status

  • Open shift

  • Shortage shift


  • X missing member(s): if the minimum assigned members is not reached

  • Minimum covered: if the minimum assigned members is covered but the maximum is not reached

  • Limit reached: the maximum number of assigned members is reached


  • Assigned members or waiting for approval

  • Number of missing members required to reach the minimum requirement (gold circle) and maximum requirement (grey circle)


The avatar is displayed with the following symbols :

  • OS_en16.pngHourglass: waiting for approval

  • Scissors: assignment split between two members

Required: Minimum to cover shift

Limit: Maximum defined for shift




3. In the right panel Assignation, under Select an eligible member, the list of eligible members is displayed in the following order:

  • Self-assign (To take on this shift, follow these steps).

  • Members waiting for approval (if applicable) : Assignation in progress

  • Members that are available : Available

  • Members that are not available : Busy

4. If you have the Approval permissions, click on Assignation in progress. The following message is displayed:



  1. Click on Process request to approve this shift in Pending requests page under Shift trades section.

  2. To assign an available resource, select a member showing an Available status and click on Continue.



  1. Fill in the information in the Assignation panel.

  • Time slots for the shift are displayed by default. Modify them if needed.
  • Enter a Comment for the request approver (optional).

  • Enter a Comment on the assignment (optional).



8.  Click on Assign.

9. If you have the required Approval permissions, the shift is assigned and the assignment is displayed in the group calendar.



  • If the maximum number of required resources is not reached, the label Open still shows above the currently assigned member(s).

  • If the minimum number of required resources is not reached, the label Shortage still shows above the currently assigned member(s).

  • If multiple resources are assigned on a shift, they are displayed on the group calendar.

  • If the time slots for the shift were modified during the assignment, the modified time slots are displayed in the group calendar.

10. Repeat previous steps to assign more members if needed.

  • In this example, the shift is still labeled Open because the maximum number is not reached.
    Click on the shift labeled Open.

  • In the right panel Assignation, the previous assignment is shown.


  • In the right panel Assignation, under Select an eligible member, select a member and click on Continue.

  • Click on Assign.

  • If you have the required Approval permissions, the shift is assigned and the second assignment is also displayed in the group calendar.


11. Repeat previous steps to assign more shifts if needed.